Screen shot of Sharla Dance using paper plates to teach children the rhythm to a song.

Older Children

Tell the children, "Here's the pattern."  Show the pattern listed below.  The children do not have plates at this point.

Demonstrate for the children.

Swish, swish, swish (plates in front of you), pause for one beat.

Tap the plates together 4x as you arc over your head like a rainbow from one side to the other.

Do the pattern with the children as you sing.

  • Ask the children to follow your pattern, pretending they have paper plates.

  • Begin to sing and do the pattern with the paper plates.

  • Choose the right  (swish, swish, swish, rest)

  • When a choice is placed before you (tap 4x to the beat as the plates make a rainbow arc over your head.)

  • In the right  (swish, swish, swish, rest)

  • The Holy Spirit guides. (tap 4x to the beat as the plates make a rainbow arc over your head.)

  • And its light   (swish, swish, swish, rest)

  • Is forever shining o'er you  (tap 4x to the beat as the plates make a rainbow arc over your head.)

  • When in the right  (swish, swish, swish, rest)

  • Your heart confides.  (tap 4x to the beat as the plates make a rainbow arc over your head.) 

Call out, "Freeze!"

Tell the children the next part of this pattern is different. (It will be on the chorus only.)

Do the pattern with the children as you sing.

  • Choose the Right! (flip flop the plates, one palm on the other, then switch, then switch again, 3x total)

  • Choose the Right! (Swish the plates in front of you 3x)

  • Let wisdom mark the  (flip flop the plates, one palm on the other, then switch, then switch again, 3x total)

  • Way before.  (Swish the plates in front of you 3x)

  • In its light  (flip flop the plates, one palm on the other, then switch, then switch again, 3x total)

  • Choose the right   (Swish the plates in front of you 3x)

  • And God will bless you  (flip flop the plates, one palm on the other, then switch, then switch again, 3x total)

  • Evermore.  (Swish the plates in front of you 3x) 

Great!  Now let's try it with the paper plates.  Remember to switch the pattern in the middle.

After you have clearly stated the rules (use it inappropriately I take the plates), ask other adults to help you hand out 2 paper plates to each child.  Start immediately saying the first pattern and having the children follow you.  When most of the children have plates, start singing and doing the first pattern for the verse.  

Call out Freeze! in between the verse and the chorus to help the children stay on task. Ask if there are any children that think they could be the leader for these two patterns.  Have them lead the group as you sing. 

Younger Children

If you do the pattern with the paper plates at least 8 times before you begin to sing, the younger children can do the same pattern as the older children.  They will not be as consistent with it (some of them are still trying to figure out where their body is in space!), but they will try to follow.

If you have mainly 3 and 4 year old, make the pattern a little simpler. The children like moving with the paper plates.  The movement stimulates their brain to take in the words through the back door, even though it seems like they are not singing!  And it is fun! 

Link to video for this pattern found HERE


Choose the Right: Activities for both Younger and Older Children


Choose the Right: Action Word Actions for Younger Children