Choose the Right: Activities for both Younger and Older Children

 Children love variety.  Teach the song in three or four different ways to help the children remember the songs long term.  Here are some ideas.

Younger Children

  1. Draw a simple melody map - the children do specific movements on certain symbols

  2. Paper Plates - Swish, tap, and flip flop cymbal taps in a pattern

  3. Rhythm Stick pattern - clicking and behind the back as you sing

  4. Action Word Actions - actions that show the word with our hands and actions

Older Children

  1. Draw a simple melody map - the children figure out what the symbols mean as you sing the song

  2. Eraser Pass - the children one by one erase a word that is not in the song and hand it off to another child before I finish singing the song 7 times.

  3. Rhythm Stick Exchange - tap, tap, hold exchange as I sing.

  4. Paper Plates - Swish, tap, and flip flop cymbal taps in a complicated pattern.

You might also consider this activity with the CTR ring emblem.


Nursery ideas


Choose the Right: Paper Plates Activity