Choose the Right: Action Word Actions for Younger Children
What are actions that the children could do with their hands to help them remember the words? Here are some suggestions (but you can do other actions as well).
Choose - pick something up with your hand
Right - either the ASL hand sign or hit your fist to the palm of your other hand
Choice - look back and forth between two things
Before - smooth something out in front of you
Right - (whatever you did above)
Holy Spirit - ASL hand sign for Holy Ghost
Light - fingers splayed with hands bursting outward
O'er - hands imitating rain falling over your head and down
Right - same as above
Heart - hand over heart
Confides - join hands together in as gesture of secure trust
Choose the right - same as above
Wisdom - point to your head at the temple
Way - both hands indicating which way to go
Light - same as above
Choose the right - same as above
God - point up to heaven
Bless - pull hands in, palms up and rest them over your heart
If the children help you figure out what actions you should do (but you have some ideas beforehand just in case), it is a strong way for them to learn. Because this song repeats the phrase "Choose the right" often, ask two or three of the children to come up and help you lead at least that part, more if they can.
Extension: I often have two or three helpers as we sing it through, then I ask each helper to choose a friend to come up with him or her. We sing it again with all of those children being the leaders for the actions. I have even had all of those children go find a friend and bring them up to the front to be the leaders! The physical action of doing an action while singing a word is a strong way for the brain to remember the song in several different parts of the brain. And it is fun!