Choose the Right: Eraser Pass for Older Children for the 3rd Verse
Eraser Pass
The children look up at the board and see these words in groups of three (written either on a chalkboard or a whiteboard.)
These words are also listed at the end of this post.
(What they don't know is that they are key words from the 3rd verse of Choose the Right grouped with two words that are either synonyms or antonyms. The alike and different contrast help the children to focus in on what the real word is that they are hearing as I sing.)
Instructions for the children
Tell the children that each person only erases ONE word that is NOT in the song. No shouting out to help someone, and no one can have the eraser twice (unless you have a small Primary).
They are working together to erase all the words that are not in the song before I sing the song 7 times.
Begin to sing the song and hand the eraser to one child. After they have erased a word that is NOT in the song, they hand the eraser to another child. That child then goes up to erase a word, then hands the eraser to another child.
I keep a piece of chalk or a whiteboard marker handy so that I can write the words that ARE in the song back up if it is accidentally erased.
I sing the song 7 times through while the children work at erasing all the words that are not in the song. When the children have finished, I ask them to check their work of erasing by singing the song with me as I point to the key words in the song.
As an extension, I often challenge the children to ONLY sing the words that are left on the board, but not any of the other words to the song... I will sing those. Then switch!
The challenge of working together, figuring out what is not in the song, plus going up to the board gets everyone involved, puzzling, and helping each other. They hear the song through many times, yet are engaged so their brain picks it up quickly. And it is fun!
Here are the words I chose. You can definitely choose other words or do this same activity with another verse.
Choose, force, select
peace, conflict, good feeling
righteous, good, corrupt
safety, hazard, protection
soul, spirit, person
labors, activity, work
pursuing, doing, trying
heaven, celestial kingdom, purgatory
goal, quest, purpose
wisdom, good sense, insight
mark, show, point out
light, intelligence, darkness
bless, give favor, curse
evermore, always, endlessly