When I Am Baptized: What Makes a Rainbow Activity for Older Children

What Makes a Rainbow?

Tell the children, "As I sing this song, look at these statements and figure out which of these statements are not true, and which are true.  Hold up your hand if you have an idea, but don't say anything." (These are posted at the front of the room.)

  • There is no pink in the colors of a rainbow.

  • The waves of sunlight have to bend through a raindrop to separate out into the colors of a rainbow.

  • Even though we can't still feel or see the rain, the atmosphere can still be filled with raindrops so the sun can shine through them and bend its light into a rainbow.

  • God gave the sign of a rainbow to Noah to help Noah remember his covenants with God.

  • Green is the top color of a rainbow.

  • A rainbow is a sign that when we obey all of God's commandments, Enoch's city of Zion will come again on the earth.

  • There has to be both rain and sun to make a rainbow.

Sing the song all the way through and receive the children's answers.

Tell the children to listen this time as you sing the song all the way through as they figure out the answer to this question.  Again, have them hold up their hands but not say anything if they have an idea. (Display this at the front of the room.)

How is the flood of Noah like you being baptized?

Sing the song all the way through. Receive the children's answers.

Have the children sing with you as they do the following pattern.  

State "Here's the pattern."  (Show the pattern.)  

"Sing the song with me as you do this pattern.”

Video link to the pattern HERE

  • Tap on your thigh.  

  • Hit the top of your palm on the underside of the other hand.

  • Tap your thigh again.

  • Switch sides and legs.

  • Repeat

 Even though the older children will easily be able to sing the words to this song, the meaning of this message is profound.  The intent of this activity is to engage them into deeper thought while hearing the song at least twice, then singing the song while their body is doing something else, sending the words of the song to a deeper level of memory.  And the challenge is fun for the children!


When I Am Baptized: Envelope Game for Older Children, 2nd verse


When I Am Baptized: Hand Bells for Older Children