When I Am Baptized: Hand Bells for Older Children

Picture of children's instrument- handbells

I used the guitar chords to make this Hand Bell chart to use with the Older Children.

(You can also use it with younger children, but you will have to have an older child paired with each three and four year old child.) 

To use this chart effectively, the children need to be introduced to the song for at least two Sundays before that.  That way the words to the song are running through their heads as they play the chords to the song.

One way to have words happening as they play is to have half of the room be the singers, and half of the room be the bell ringers, then switch as you sing it another time.  The children love to also switch bell colors so that they get a chance to do more than one color.

If you sang it twice with each side of the room (once with their first color of bell, and once when they switch colors), you will have sung the song 4 times with this activity.  And it is fun! 

Here are the bell charts:

These chords come on the words:

like, rain-, -ever, rain, ponder, beauty, earth, again (Notice the chord note sequence is the same for both phrases.)

The chords come on these words: want, be, earth, rain, want, best, live, God, again

(The only difference in the sequence of chords comes on the very last line.)

When you see a black handle sticking our from the colored dot, that means that this handbell is a sharp or a flat.


When I Am Baptized: What Makes a Rainbow Activity for Older Children


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