I Am a Child of God: Story Song for Younger and Older Children
Story Song= Telling a story and singing a song all combined into one.
Read through this story. Figure out what changes you want to make so that it fits your personality and your children. You will be telling a short portion of the story, then singing one or more lines of the song.
Joey looked upset. His grandma glanced over where Joey was sitting hunched over in the couch. Grandma put down her book and went over to sit down by Joey. "What's the matter, Joey?" she asked. Joey frowned. "I don't think the song they taught us in Primary today is true," he replied. "Oh," she asked, "what song is that?
"(Sing "I am a child of God and He has sent me here.")
"What part of that song do you think might not be true?" asked Grandma. Joey swung his feet back and forth. "Well, the part that talks about parents.
"(Sing "Has given me an earthly home, with parents kind and dear.")
"I don't have any parents!" A tear began to roll down Joey's face. Grandma was quiet. She took a deep breath. "Joey, even though your parents aren't here, you do have parents. And even though you can't see them, you do have a Mother in Heaven and a Father in Heaven."Joey's eyes widened. He looked at Grandma with a concerned look. She continued. "When you sing the next part of the song, it talks about being led and guided. I think that means all kinds of helpers that your Heavenly Father sends.
"(Sing "Lead me, guide me, walk beside me.")
"Earthly parents have lots of helpers to lead and guide their children, and you do, too. You have me. You have Sister Armstrong. You have our home teacher. You have our Bishop. And you even have angels you can't even see to help you!
"(Sing "Help me find the way.")
Joey smiled a tiny smile. "And I have Mr. Garcia who gives me a piece of gum when I go over to see him." Grandma chuckled. "Yes, you are his special friend. And you have another special friend." Joey looked at her puzzled.
“(Sing "Teach me all that I must do...")
"Who?" he asked. "Somebody that gives you a warm feeling inside. Somebody that helps you understand and learn things from Heavenly Father, even though He is not here. Somebody who is a messenger for all of the parents that want you to come and live with them again.
"(Sing "...to live with Him someday.")
"It's the Holy Ghost, isn't it?" Joey asked. Grandma smiled. "Yes, and he is there to let you know you are never alone. You have lots of people who love you, whether they are here or not."
This activity deepens a child's emotions and perception of the song. It is a way to have a child totally attending to the words and melody without being conscious of that process. The words and melody imprint upon the brain through the back door a little at a time.
Please use a contrasting activity with movement right before or right after this activity.
Here are some ideas:
We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet OlderYounger
Follow the Prophet -YoungerOlder