I Am a Child of God: Picture Concentration Game for Younger and Older

Who Is a Child of God?

Picture Concentration Game

Make two copies of each of the pictures below of children. (It would be fun to include a picture or two of the children in your Primary, too!)  Post them at the front of the room with some kind of covering that the children can lift up and take off to reveal the picture.

Tell the children you are going to tap someone on the shoulder to come up and lift two of the covers trying to match two of these pictures.  If they don't match, they put the covers back on the picture, and I will tap someone else on the shoulder to come up to the front.

Start to sing the song "I Am a Child of God," and tap a child on the shoulder.  Continue to sing as the children take turns trying to match all the pictures.

Note:  For younger children, I only use 4 or 5 of the pictures.  For older, I use at least 7.

 After all the pictures have been matched, ask the children:  

"Who is a child of God out of all these pictures?"  Receive their answers.

 Ask:  "How do we know they are children of God?"  Receive their answers.  

Bear your testimony about being a child of God and what it means to you.

Sing the song all together.

Extender:  As you sing the song, I recommend using hand signs as the leader while you sing.  It is very visual and is a great way to add meaning because of the kinesthetic signs to the words in an unspoken way. This activity allows the children to hear the song over and over again, yet gaining new understanding of the words by what they are seeing.  It matches the gentle mood and testimony of the feeling of the song. 


I Am a Child of God: Scarves for Younger Children


I Am a Child of God: Story Song for Younger and Older Children