Adding Depth to the Meaning of the Song

There are so many ways to bring interest for the child as they learn a song...

Melody Maps

Rhythm Stick Patterns

Image of Sharla Dance with rhythm sticks

Egg Shakers

Body Rhythm Patterns

Screen shot of Sharla Dance teaching a song to children with the Sway and Freeze method

But what about the meaning of a song?

I have found that mixing in short (very short), concise messages... perhaps only 2 sentences long... in the middle of an activity to learn the song is a way to teach deeper things about the messages and meanings of a song.


As you watch this singing time, notice we move and do patterns. We mix up the intensity and the activity. We are teaching three different songs. At the same time, I am adding in little messages within the song. What are the qualities of a missionary added in with images (the missionaries were great to comply) in between each line of the song. Thoughts about Jesus Christ and His Love for us added in with images in between each line of the song. The story of the Aaronic Priesthood keys being given to Joseph as we sing the song. (I probably wouldn't do each song like this as in this example!)

Short, Concise little nuggets

Increased understanding through a personal (short) thought expressed

Images to connect to the song, all surrounding one idea

And all of this added onto the movement and activities to teach the song (because in my experience, that is what the children like the best!)


I Wonder When He Comes Again


How to create Primary Music Singing Presentations (works for in person as well)