Rhythm Stick patterns

Beforehand Preparation

Gather enough rhythm sticks for each child to have two.  Unsharpened pencils work well and are less noisy.

Because of the strong sound of the sticks, this activity is best for strong beat songs.

Decide a rhythm pattern that works well with the song.  Younger children need a simple pattern.



Model the rhythm pattern for the children as you sing the song.  Ask them to pretend to hold sticks and do it with you.  Pass out the sticks and do the pattern as you sing the song.



Younger children – turn to the back or side and do the pattern as you sing.

Older children – add a more complex pattern.  Sing and do the pattern.



Purposeful movement to a steady beat is wonderful for a child’s development.  This gives the children a chance to practice steady beat while hearing the song over and over again, yet being engaged in the learning process.