Rhythm Band (formerly rhythm instrument band)

Beforehand Preparation

Gather tambourines, rhythm sticks, jingle bells, or other types of rhythm instruments, enough for each child in a group when you divide them into two or three groups.


Figure out a rhythm pattern for each of the three or four different instrument groups.  I would keep the patterns fairly simple.



Model the pattern for each of the instruments.  Divide the Primary children into their groups. Have each group do their pattern as a practice,  Sing the song and have each group play their pattern at the same time. (I often put the groups in a different corner.)  Freeze and have the groups switch to the next set of instruments. Sing the song again as the new groups play their new pattern. Children want a chance to play each of the instrument groups, so you will be doing this activity three or four times.



This is an activity that makes the music come alive and gives lots of variety for experiencing the steady beat of the song.