Clap and Rest Pattern

Beforehand Preparation:

At the front of the room, post a series of X’s and rests in groups of 4 for 4/4 or in groups of 3 for 3/4 .



Ask the children to clap the pattern with you, making sure to be silent on the rests.  Now sing the song WHILE clapping the pattern.


This is a great review activity requiring the adults and the children to clap a pattern at the same time they are singing the words, thus adding a new challenge to a song they already know.


Activity Extender:

Divide the group in half.  Choose one leader for each group to clap and rest on the pattern.  Start one group, then 8 (or 6) beats later start the other group.  You sing as they clap.  Next time through, challenge them to sing as they do the clapping pattern.


Benefits of the Activity:

Great for an added challenge and review of a song they already know.  Great for purposeful movement to a steady beat. Great for active participation in the learning process.