Search, Ponder, and Pray - Story Song

Picture of children intently listening to a story.

Story Song is such a strong way for the children to hear the whole song, associate it with a real person, and feel the emotions and the Spirit that the song brings.

Tell the children: I have a story. Tell the story below or your own version. When the words are italicized, that is what you will sing.

Jennifer woke up with a start.  It was still dark outside and there were nolights on in the house either, except for a small light down the hall.  Walking quietly, Jennifer headed down thehall towards the light and peaked in the door. Her dad was sitting in a chair holding the scriptures and writing something down on a pad of paper.

“I love to read the holy scriptures,

And every time I do…”

Her dad looked up, but he wasn’t looking ather.  He cocked his head to the side andtapped his chin with his pen.

“I feel the Spirit start

to grow within my heart,

A testimony that they’re true…”

Suddenly her dad made a big excited sighing sound. Jennifer looked closely at him. He was smiling.  His eyes driftedover to the door and he saw Jennifer.  He looked surprised! “What are you doing here, honey?” he asked.  Jennifer scampered over to him and sat in hislap.  Then she asked, “What are you doing?”  “I’m learning about Heavenly Father, “he said.

“Search, ponder, and pray

Are the things that I must do…”

She looked up into his face.  “How come you’re smiling?” she said.  Her dad gave a small, happy sigh.  “Because I felt a wonderful feeling as I readjust now,” he replied.

“The Spirit will guide, and deep inside,

I know the scriptures are true.”


Nephi's Courage - Verse 1: Envelope game for Older Children


Why should you teach two verses of the song completely separate from each other with different activities to teach the song?