My Heavenly Father Loves Me: Sights and Sounds, 2nd verse
Show different pictures to the children and see if they can guess what they are. Receive their answers.
Sing "He gave me my eyes that I might see the color of butterfly wings."
Here are some ideas:
a leaf in the fall
the pink wings of a spoonbill bird
the wool of a sheep
the flower petals of a dahlia
raindrops on a pond
Record different sounds snippets for the children, making sure they are short yet you can tell what it is. (For younger children, I would use only 3 or 4, but for older children I would use 6 to 7.)
Tell the children you are going to play a few seconds of a sound and ask them if they can figure out what sound it is. Play the sound and receive their answers.
Sing "He gave me my ears that I might hear the magical sound of things."
Here are some ideas: in a stream sounds roaring quacking burning laughing singing (in Portuguese) with street noises
Sign Language
Give the American sign language sign for life three times, each time repeating the word "life." See video HERE
Give the sign language sign for “mind”, again repeating the sign and saying the word three times. See video HERE
Give the sign language sign for “heart”, repeated and said three times. See video HERE
Sing "He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:..." doing the sign with the word as you sing.
Finish singing the song
"I thank Him reverently. For all his creations, of which I'm a part. Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me."
Bear your testimony of Heavenly Father and His love for you.