My Heavenly Father Loves Me: hand slap patterns for Older Children
What do you see? What do you notice?
I'm holding up the above sign in front of the children. I ask, "What do you see? What do you notice?" I receive their answers.
"What does this have to do with the pattern I'm going to show you?" I show the pattern:
Down up down (switch) Down up down (switch) Down up down Hold up hand.
Down up down (switch) Down up down (switch) down, hand up and pop with the other hand.
(see example video HERE)I work with the children to learn the pattern slowly, then I begin to sing as we do the pattern.
What does this have to do with this song?
After I finish singing the song and doing the pattern, I ask, "What does this code have to do with the song and the pattern?" I receive their answers. We sing the song again doing the pattern.
See a video of it HERE
Let's sing the song and do the pattern again, but only sing the words on the poster. I will sing all of the other words. Sing the song and do the pattern.
Let's sing the song again, but this time the only words both of will sing are the words on the poster. No words but the words on the poster when they come in the song! Sing the song and do the pattern.