Monthly Plan for Praise to the Man: Older and Younger Children
"Teach a child a song, and the song will teach the child."
This was shared with me years ago in a music workshop. I have come to find out more and more how true it is. Hymns that I learned as a youth are still teaching me more and more things as I am ready for them. How does that relate to us as teachers of songs to children? For instance, do we have to teach all of the concepts of a song all in one month?
No, I don't believe so.
We teach the song in a variety of ways, some visual, some movement, some puzzles, etc. and let the song teach the child once he or she is ready. This is a big song, with big words. If we teach the song, focusing in on a few concepts each time we teach it, it will be enough. The song will eventually teach the child (and us) as we are ready for it.
Here are some ideas to teach this hymn:
Egg carton drums
Beat and Action Word Actions for Younger Children (1st verse)
Action Word Actions and Beat for Younger Children (3rd verse)
Partner Arm Swings and Freeze!
Beat Versus Rhythm
Paper Clap
Magic Paintbrush
Body Rhythms and Partner Body Rhythms
Beat Versus Rhythm
Paper Clap
Maori Sticks