I Will Follow God's Plan for Me: Monthly Plan
"Knowledge is only a rumor until it lives in the muscle."
This is a saying from the Asaro tribe of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, quoted in the book "Rising Strong," by Brene Brown.
How do we get the songs to "live in the muscles" of our children? I think that means they need a variety of experiences with the songs to help the knowledge come alive in the very muscles of our children, and movement to the steady beat needs to be at least one or two of those experiences.
Here are a few ideas. (These are only suggestions, hoping to spark your own ideas best suited for the children in your Primary.)Younger Children
Older Children
The Friend magazine has put out a beautiful sing-a-long video that you could have the children watch once, then watch again and turn off the sound so that THEY are the sound for the video. (It's beautiful.)
HERE is the link.
And aother idea. There is a Simplified piano version of this song in the January 2014 Friend. If there are any children that play the piano in your Primary, it might be fun to challenge them to learn this and play it for a special musical number later this month (or year) in Primary.