I Am a Child of God: Color Code for Older Children, 3rd Verse
Color Code, 3rd Verse
Show the chart and ask the children, "Can you crack this code?"
First question: "What do you see? What do you notice? Receive the children's answers.
Then ask: What does this song have to do with this code?" Sing the song (verse only). (You might want to emphasize the words you have represented with a color as you sing.)
Ask: "What does the color purple stand for? What does the color orange stand for?"
Receive their answers. Tell them you will sing the song again to give them some more hints. Sing the verse.
Ask: "What does the color red stand for? What does the color blue stand for? What does the color green stand for?"
Receive their answers. Sing the verse again.
If the children are struggling and don't have a clue, sing the song a little more slowly and point to each color as you sing, emphasizing certain words from the chart.
Once the children have figured out the code, ask the children to sing ONLY the words represented with the color yellow. (It is a great challenge!)
Ask the children to sing only the words represented by the red, blue, and purple. Don't sing any of the other words/colors out loud.
Here's how to make the chart:
Find the first letter of each word.
Find at least two letters that are the same.
Assign a color to that letter. I found I, A, B, and H all had multiple words that started with those letters.
I assigned the color red to the letter I, the color purple to the letter A, the color orange to the letter B, the color green to the letter L, and the color blue to the letter H.
Because God, His, and Him all refer to our Heavenly Father, I put a gold ring around them.
All the other letters (blanks below) are the color yellow.
I A A ____ ____ God___ B A I ___I I B L ___ ___ H ____I L ___ H ____ ___ When you do that in colors, it will be like this:
Red purple purple yellow yellow yellow with gold ring etc.