Tell the children you are going to show them some pictures as you sing the song.  Draw pictures similar to these on the whiteboard or chalkboard. 

I came to earth

With power to choose

Good choices bless me

And my family too

As a Child of God

I receive special light

The Holy Ghost helps me

to  know what is right.

 (Notice that the images are drawn quickly, like in a drawing board game.  I had to practice drawing and singing because it uses two different parts of my brain!) After you have sung and drawn the song for the children, ask them to draw the song with you on an imaginary board in the sky.  Sing the line, then ask the children to draw a particular thing, giving them time to quickly draw in the air at the same time you are drawing that same thing. 

  • I came to earth - draw a big earth

  • with power to choose - draw a big arrow or two

  • Good choices bless me - draw yourself

  • and my family too - draw your family

  • As a child of God - draw yourself with a link to Heavenly Father

  • I receive special light - draw lots of light

  • The Holy Ghost helps me - draw yourself with the light of the Holy Ghost all around you

  • to know what is right - draw yourself with lots of light to help you know what is right. 

The drawing in the air activates a part of the brain different from just singing the words, and gives the children anchors for their memory to remember this song. 

Extender Activity

After you have done the activities above, ask the children to follow your hands.  Sway your hands and arms in time to the music as you sing.

  • I came to earth (sway right)

  • with power to choose (sway left)

  • Good choices bless me (sway right)

  • and my family too (sway left)

  • etc. 

The movement to the song as you sing gives the children yet another chance to hear you sing the whole song, as well as giving the children a feel for the beat and rhythm of the song they will sing.  


As a Child of God: Actions Instead for Older/Action Word Actions for Younger


As a Child of God: Hand Bells for Older Children