Action Word ACtions
Action Word Actions
This activity works with children 3 to 7, and with more complex actions for children 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Sing through the song and choose some actions that could represent the action words in the song. If the word is "build," you could pretend to build something. If the word is "home," you could use your hands to look like the roof of a house. If the word is "brave", you could put your arms into a strong stance to show bravery. I often will mix in Sign Language for words like faith, true, or commandments (abstract ideas)., signing, and are good resources for those signs.
Ask the children to have their hands follow your hands. Show an action and say the word, focusing on some of the more complex actions or signs. Sing the song and do the motions for the action words having the children follow your actions. If you notice that the children aren't getting an action, again say the specific word and do the action. Sing the song again doing all of the actions.
Ask the children to sing the song in their head with no sound as they do the actions. Lead them in the actions as you mouth the words.
Benefits of this Activity
Great for Concrete Representation of Words,Visual and Kinesthetic Learners (See Chapter Five). Great for active participation in the learning process (See Chapter One). Great for audiation (See Chapter Two). Great for physically connecting the phrasing of the song with the melody (See Chapter Ten).